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EIP-725: General key-value store and execution standard Source

作者 Fabian Vogelsteller, Tyler Yasaka
讨论-To https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/725
状态 Stagnant
类型 Standards Track
分类 ERC
创建日期 2017-10-02
依赖 165, 173
英文版 https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-725


A standard interface for a smart contract based account with attachable key value store.


The following describes standard functions for a unique smart contract based account that can be used by humans, groups, organisations, objects and machines.

The standard is divided into two sub standards:

ERC725X: Can execute arbitrary smart contracts and deploy other smart contracts.

ERC725Y: Can hold arbitrary data through a generic key/value store.


Standardizing a minimal interface for a smart contract based account allows any interface to operate through these account types. Smart contact based accounts following this standard have the following advantages:

  • can hold any asset (native token, e.g. ERC20 like tokens)
  • can execute any smart contract and deploy smart contracts
  • have upgradeable security (through owner change, e.g. to a gnosis safe)
  • are basic enough to work for for a long time
  • are extensible though additional standardisation of the key/value data.
  • can function as an owner/controller or proxy of other smart contracts



ERC165 identifier: 0x44c028fe


function execute(uint256 operationType, address to, uint256 value, bytes calldata data) public payable returns(bytes memory)

Executes a call on any other smart contracts, transfers the blockchains native token, or deploys a new smart contract. MUST only be called by the current owner of the contract.


  • operationType: the operation to execute.
  • to: the smart contract or address to interact with. to will be unused if a contract is created (operation 1 and 2).
  • value: the value of ETH to transfer.
  • data: the call data, or the contract data to deploy.

Returns: bytes , the returned data of the called function, or the address of the contract created (operation 1 and 2).

The operationType can be the following:

  • 0 for call
  • 1 for create
  • 2 for create2
  • 3 for staticcall
  • 4 for delegatecall

Others may be added in the future.

Triggers Event: ContractCreated, Executed



event Executed(uint256 indexed _operation, address indexed _to, uint256 indexed _value, bytes _data);

MUST be triggered when execute creates a new call using the operationType 0, 3, 4.


event ContractCreated(uint256 indexed _operation, address indexed _contractAddress, uint256 indexed _value);

MUST be triggered when execute creates a new contract using the operationType 1, 2.


ERC165 identifier: 0x714df77c


function setData(bytes32 key, bytes memory value) public

Sets data as bytes in the storage for a single key. MUST only be called by the current owner of the contract.


  • key: the key which value to set.
  • value: the data to set.

Triggers Event: DataChanged

setData (Array)

function setData(bytes32[] memory keys, bytes[] memory values) public

Sets array of data at multiple keys. MUST only be called by the current owner of the contract.


  • keys: the keys which values to set.
  • values: the array of bytes to set.

Triggers Event: DataChanged


function getData(bytes32 key) public view returns(bytes memory)

Gets the data set for the given key.


  • key: the key which value to retrieve.

Returns: bytes , The data for the requested key.

getData (Array)

function getData(bytes32[] memory keys) public view returns(bytes[] memory)

Gets array of data at multiple given key.


  • keys: the keys which values to retrieve.

Returns: bytes[] , array of the values for the requested keys.



event DataChanged(bytes32 indexed key, bytes value)

MUST be triggered when setData was successfully called.


This contract is controlled by an owner. The owner can be a smart contract or an external account. This standard requires ERC173 and should implement the functions:

  • owner() view
  • transferOwnership(address newOwner)

The event:

  • OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner)

Data keys

Data keys, should be the keccak256 hash of a type name. e.g. keccak256('ERCXXXMyNewKeyType') is 0x6935a24ea384927f250ee0b954ed498cd9203fc5d2bf95c735e52e6ca675e047

The ERC725JSONSchema standard defines how keys should be named and generated. This JSON schema can be used to auto decode ERC725Y values from smart contracts for application and smart contract interactions.

Default key values

ERC725 key standards need to be defined within new standards, we suggest the following defaults:

Name Description Key value
SupportedStandards:XYZ Allows to determine standards supported by this contract 0xeafec4d89fa9619884b6b89135626455000000000000000000000000xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is the 4 bytes identifier of the standard supported Value can be defined by the standard, by default it should be the 4 bytes identifier e.g. 0x7a30e6fc


The specification of an ERC725Account can be found in LSP0-ERC725Account.


The purpose of an smart contract account is to allow an entity to exist as a first-class citizen with the ability to execute arbitrary contract calls.


Solidity Interfaces

// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.7.0;

//ERC165 identifier: `0x44c028fe`
interface IERC725X  /* is ERC165, ERC173 */ {
    event ContractCreated(uint256 indexed operation, address indexed contractAddress, uint256 indexed value);
    event Executed(uint256 indexed operation, address indexed to, uint256 indexed  value, bytes data);

    function execute(uint256 operationType, address to, uint256 value, bytes calldata data) external payable returns(bytes memory);

//ERC165 identifier: `0x714df77c`
interface IERC725Y /* is ERC165, ERC173 */ {
    event DataChanged(bytes32 indexed key, bytes value);

    function setData(bytes32 key, bytes memory value) external;
    function setData(bytes32[] memory keys, bytes[] memory values) external;
    function getData(bytes32 key) external view returns(bytes memory);
    function getData(bytes32[] memory keys) external view returns(bytes[] memory);

interface IERC725 /* is IERC725X, IERC725Y */ {


Additional References

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Fabian Vogelsteller, Tyler Yasaka, "EIP-725: General key-value store and execution standard [DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 725, October 2017. [Online serial]. Available: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-725.